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@KTzone » 歌詞庫 » Eminem Eminem » 8 Mile Soundtrack » Wanksta

歌 手: Eminem (Eminem)

歌 曲: Wanksta (專 輯:8 Mile Soundtrack)

上傳會員: 能島海盜王

日 期: 2003 - 8

歌 詞
[Intro: 50 Cent]
It's 50 a.k.a Ferrari F-50
Break it down
I got a lot of living to do before I die
And I ain't got tyme to waste
Let's make it

[50 Cent]
You said you a gansta but you neva pop nuttin'
You said you a wanksta and you need to stop frontin'
You ain't a friend of mine, (huh)
You ain't no kin of mine, (nah)
What makes you think that I'ma run up on you with tha nine
We do this all tha tyme, right now we on tha grind
So hurry up and copy and go selling nicks and dimes
Shorty she so fyne, I gotta make her mine
A ass like dat gotta be one of a kind
I crush 'em everytime, punch 'em with every nine
I'm fuckin with they mind
I make 'em press rewind
They know they can't shine if I'm around the rhyme
Been on parole since 94 cuz I commit the crime
I send you my line, I did it three ta nine
If D's ran up in my crib, you know who droppin dimes

[Chorus 2X: 50 Cent]
You said you a gangsta
But you neva pop nuttin
You said you a wanksta
And you need to stop frontin'
You go to the dealership
But you neva cop nuttin'
You been hustlin a long tyme
And you ain't got nuttin

[Verse 2]
Damn Homie, in highskew you was tha man, homie
What tha fuck happened to you?
I got the sickest vendetta, when it come to the chedda
And if you play wit my paper, you gotta meet my berretta
Now shorty think I'ma sweat her, sippin on amoretta
I'm livin once than deada, I know I can do betta
She look good but I know she after my chedda
She tryna get in my pockets, homie and I ain't gonna let her
Be easy, stop tha bullshit, you get your whole crew wet
We in tha club doin' the same ol' two step
Gorilla unit cuz they say we bugged out
Cuz we don't go nowhere without toast we thugged out

[Chorus 2X]

[Verse 3]
Me I'm no monsta, me I'm no gangsta
Me I'm no hitman, me I'm jus me, me
Me I'm no wanksta, me I'm no acta
But it's me you see on your TV
Cuz I hustle baby, this rap shit is so easy
I'm gettin' what you get for a brick to talk greasy
By any means, partner, I got to eat on these streets
If you play me close, for sure I'm gonna pop my heat
Niggas sayin they gon merk 50 how?
We ridin 'round with guns the size of Lil Bow Wow
What you know about AK's and AR 15's?
Equipped with night vision, shell catchers and inf beams, huh

[Chorus 2X]

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